

Working on the rear side


The next victims of my energetic installation fever ended up being the rear of the plane. Namely those last nameless tailwing pieces. Nicely enough those didn't cause the whole model to be set to any kind of a special position while they cured. And hey, that beast actually started to look like something!

A noticeable defect

While you were ogling at the pics you may have paid some attention to that gaping hole between the (still missing) engine openings. Apparently, as they were dropping the weapons off, they also dropped the breaking parachute that's located between the air brake halves. To fix it I just sliced off a piece of sprue, trimmed it down a bit and then glued it to cover the opening, congratulating myself. It's an ugly fix? Maybe, but in my opinion it's always much better than a missing piece that reveals the insides of the model.

To wrap things up I offer a tiny photo of a partially assembled front landing gear device. One of those thingamagicks is waiting for the first one to be cured and the cable's waiting for something else. Progress is definitely being enjoyed, but slowly.
Hey, I just returned from my vacation early Monday morning, one can't get an insane amount done in this time. Not even I who's sometimes pretty quick, should I feel like it.

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