

Finished: Project IX/17

Off with the nonsense

After it was bathed and the liquid remains had evaporated the model was ready to be cleaned up. Because the resin was soft the support structure could just be simply and quickly cut away with sidecutters and any remaining excesses could just be scratched off just like that. I was a bit worried of squeezing the carbonite slab with too much force and causing it to bend or something. But my fears were vain, it wasn't that soft.


For the rest of the day I left Solo into a tube lined with UV LEDs. A few hours were supposedly enough, but we left him there over the weekend to harden up.


I took the piece home as a surprise and said that I was going to paint it to look like it was in the movies, but Han Solo was snatched off my hands with words "Don't touch it!". I guess I'd paint any potential second attempt, then. There he remained, on the bookshelf, next to his older self, in front of a bunch of uncle Zahn's books.

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