

More greeblies

Remaking up my mind

Of course I could not leave the folding wings as they were, now that my main wing was all-over filled with junk. I jumped back to my thousand boxes (this may be exaggerating a bit, they should be called hundred boxes at best at this stage still) and chose the longest and narrowest bits I could find (I'd been again very happy to use KwK halves if they only fit), as long as they were again doubled, for maintaining symmetricality.

Again my apologies for forgetting to take WIP photos in my excitement of crafting something. Mostly my filler greeblies ended up being parts of tow cables and something I guessed to be the hanging structure of some armored skirts (Schürzen). These last bits would've been so much more interesting, had I not had to cut off their attachment bits (you know those bandaid-like things to hold pipes on some flat surfaces), but as the space real estate was limited, I just had to go all hacky.

In the end the side wings did not end up being full 1:1 copies of each other but they had a couple of tiny differences between them. Maybe that'd add some to the general interestingness of the model. I just was pretty bugged because I really couldn't hide some silly pieces there that could've been fun to see if anyone noticed or recognized them. Well, I did at least one, but a couple more couldn't have hurt.

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