

Ammo racks

Hey, there were extra parts...

This week's achievements are small but enormous. I made a mess on the floors, so they wouldn't look freshly painted, which suits a filthy warmachine a bit better. At some point I messed  up a bit with the ammo tubes but despite that fact I had decided that I wouldn't try to dump all 32 tubes into the racks as the instructions suggest. Why so? Because I feel it makes the whole model look a bit less staged when everything's not full and perfectly set up.


From some depths of my memory banks  I recalled reading that pieces of tape make good seatbelts for pilots, for example. I applied the idea to my project a bit. Meaning: I cut pieces of masking tape and then split them lenghtwise to make them fit the scale a bit better (judging by the look, not empiric facts). Then I slapped them over the ammo things somehow and gave them a quick Devlan Mud wash to make them less eye-searingly bright. Now they're supposed to be cargo straps truckers use to tie down their loads and whatnot. Of course I didn't even think of scratchbuilding any kinds of lock pieces or anything.

It doesn't look half bad to me, at least.

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