Showing posts with label Wizkids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wizkids. Show all posts


Finished: Project I/21


Lord Megatron was a lot of fun to paint. Based on a quick search there's a bunch of these unpainted -series figures, some of them interesting such as Starscream, Optimus Prime, and Soundwave from the second wave. Where'd I put them all? Well, I've thrown old builds away occasionally, away from collecting dust and eating space.


The usual normal photos taken around the subj.. eh, leader, still in suboptimal backgrounds and lighting conditions. That was something that was to be fixed sooner rather than later.

Finished Megatron: front view

Finished Megatron: 2/3 front view

Finished Megatron: left view

Finished Megatron: rear view

Finished Megatron: right view

Finished Megatron: low front view

Silly pics

Of course I had to take some less serious photos with all my three Megatrons. I mean, I had used MP-36 as my model for the painting!

A group of Megatrons


Painting Megatron

Painting by the numbers

The default surface

I started by painting with the basic grey, because most of his body (or frame, him being a rohbut?) was going to be that. This was nicely paintable in one go, because there were enough !grey parts to hold him on while painting around.

Basic grey surfaces painted

Basic grey surfaces painted

The dark greys

Megatron's arms, the Fusion Cannon and most of his legs were to be painted dark grey. I took this stage as my next one, as my process seemed to be "the bottom-most layer first", not totally unexpectedly. With the feet themselves I made a bit of mess, and had to fix them later.

Dark greys painted, front view

Dark greys painted, rear view


Originally, as stated above, I was going to do the black parts with German Grey instead, but the contrast difference between that and the dark grey was so small that after the first parts I redid those with flat black instead. It proved to be the best choice, silly me had thought I knew better. In addition to both gun business ends, Megatron's pants, the scope's lense I also painted his mouth and robotic unibrow. Before these I had done his face with a lighter grey, to give it a proper difference from the rest of the body and the head.

Black parts painted: front view

Black parts painted: rear view

Getting to the details

To complement the greyscale, Megatron had a few colourful spots on his abdomen: some blue, red and yellow bits. His eyes were also red and his upper arms had red bands, not to forget the red button on his Fusion Cannon. For some stupid reason I had some doubts about the upper arm reds in this scale, but as they worked fantastically in MP-36, I knew them to work here too.


Details painted: front view

Details painted: rear view

Details painted: the Fusion Cannon

Details painted: left side

Technically he was now done, except for the decal on his chest. I just wasn't ready to call him (or myself) done at this point.

Basically painted Megatron, backgroundless


No, that wasn't enough. I wanted to improve the details according to my own madnes. As the first extra step I painted the eye-bit of the Fusion Cannon / scope's rear bit's edge to be more rubbery (VMA Tire Black) and redid the lens part with black. Megatron's gun mode's gun barrel's insides got a black layer and a follow-up with drybrushed Gunmetal.

Extra detailing

Extra detailing

Extra detailing

Megatron with a paint pot for scale

Megatron and paint pots

Final stage

Of course I couldn't leave this just on normal paints, because they looked a bit too flat to me. The greys I washed with the grey wash and the yellow/red/blue bits I coated with the satin varnish to make them stand out a bit differently from the rest of the body. That gloss varnish I only applied to the scope's lens.

The grey wash and varnishes

Varnished Megatron: front view

Varnished Megatron: rear view

A decal

Obviously the more or less undisputed leader of the Decepticons had to have a roundel in the middle of their chest. So that's what I did: I applied one violet decal on Megatron's chest. This time I had no complaints about the decal work, for a change.

Finished Megatron: front view

Finished Megatron: rear view


Project I/21

Wizkids unpainted

Last summer I got one of these pre-primed statue-like things for my birthday. As it indeed was already primed, I could just pick up a set of paints according to the back of the card and get going. Fun, easy and unproblematic, and not at all as time consuming as a five-turreted Soviet tank or an atomic cannon.

The front of the packet

The rear of the packet

A pre-defined colour set

I thought I'd just choose a set of paints that were as close as possible to the suggested colours. Seven were supposedly enough, from start to finish. In top-down order I chose USAF Dark Grey as my darker grey, USAF Medium Grey as my lighter option, German Grey to use instead of flat black, Gore Red or somesuch, Medium Yellow and USAF Green (I thought maybe the USAF series were kind of matching contrast-wise) to represent red, yellow and green. The most difficult was blue, of which I had few to begin with: one of the Soviet Air Force's Greyish Blue that I had bought for the Su-27 project.

My seven colours

Megatron himself

In addition to Megatron the packet contained a baseplate, stickers and decals. Lord Megatron only absolutely required one Decepticon roundel on his chest, so I thought I had a positive problem of needing to find use cases for the rest of them.

The Megatron statue with his base and decals

Megatron: front

Megatron: left side

Megatron: rear

Megatron: right side

Megatron: a close-up of his face