

On vacation: setting up the balcony

Rushing kills you

Now, after living in our apartment for about one and a half years we finally managed to get a grip of ourselves and invested into something to cover the depressingly cold, uncomfy and grey concete floor. The short-lived summery weather didn't hurt our interest in this project in the least.

To cover the floor a set of 30x30 cm puzzle pieces were assembled. All of them ended up pointing to the same direction because in the beginning we thought that the physical limitations (surface area) wouldn't allow us to set them up nicely in the chessboard pattern. Afterwards we noticed that, yes, indeed, we could've done that after all. Hindsight++.

All in all I think I wasted two about one-hour sessions with these tiles. Of course I could've done all that in one go, but thanks to other things invading my calendar, I just couldn't spare that time.

Who sits on the floor?

While the floor was going to be worked on, the old foldable and easily relocateable chair-table set had to be replaced with something sturdier, comfier and more permament. It took me something like those two one-hour sessions to assemble the sofa, chairs and the table of the set.

This was a nice, quick and easy project that improves the apartment quite a bit. As the end result the balcony has been much lots comfier and quite a bit more appealing, too, to sit in - and it's been used much more than ever before. It's very pleasant, thanks for asking!

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