Twinkle twinkle little Star
This always rolled off the tongue like nothing: one of the Stars in the Clan Ghost Bear Delta Galaxy's 73rd Battle Cluster's 314th Battle Trinary now had the missing two Points ready to join their comrades in their quest in freeing the barbaric Inner Sphere, bringing Kerensky's vision to life. On my timeline the Bears were tightly on the Crusader camp and any kind of what-iffing about Wardening was just delusional nonsense.
Stormcrow Prime #211
55-ton Medium Stormcrow, Ryoken for the freebirths of the Inner Sphere. A quick beast with both long- and medium range weaponry and also a neat dozen extra Double Heat Sinks to help out. A symmetrical loadout had an ER Large Laser and an ER Medium Laser in both Arms, and a third ERMLas in the head. Perhaps that one was located there in case the pilot lost both Arms in some weird situation.
Viper Prime #215
In the neighbour Point the 40-ton Viper was quick - which probably gave the Inner Sphere name of Dragonfly to it - but somewhat lightly armed compared to other 40-tonners. There were two Machine Guns in the torso (the fact that they were called MGs didn't mean that they were directly comparable to the ones infantryfolks carried around), an SRM-4 in the Left Arm, and twin Medium Pulse Lasers in the Right Arm.
Shooting the stars
Here we were, a full quinted was acquired. The fact that I had an untouced Kodiak in one of the boxes made me think if I was going to need a Binary of Ghost Bears, but then again, other Clans also had few Kodiaks. A funny thing about its name was that in Finnish I was about to call it simply with another nickname for a bear, but those (Karhu, Kontio) were already used for actual 'Mechs so I had to be more careful with my nicknaming than usual.
While I was on it I dropped the minis on a hex map that I had used under the light tent's canvas for ground support:
As my 25th Anniversary Box was open, I plucked a Lanceful of scouting Steiner's BattleMechs for target practice. This sort of a 5 vs 4 wasn't according to any Honor Rules, even if I suspected the mass advantage was more on the side of the freebirths.
Final mumblings
This excitedly painted duo took a moment less than three hours (2h 55mins). Painting just one of them wouldn't have been mentionably quicker, that's how efficient I happened to be.
I'd remain in the BattleTech universe, but I wasn't entirely sure how. The Jade Falcons were calling me after a while, and I had been pondering on and off for a couple of years if I should take a couple of the IIC 'Mechs and set up a Solahma Star just for the fun and variety.