

Tapeage, dammit!

So I began my latest attempt at painting camouflage. First I sliced stripes of masking tape to make a bunch of narrow ones, which I then put on the model at nice intervals:

Next I masked every other "slot" to avoid excess amount of paint going to places it wasn't supposed to go to. The remaining uncovered areas I sprayed with my trusty green.

After drying over a night I ripped off the tape pieces I had previously put there (it looked quite interesting at that point already) and masked the parts I had painted green. One of the fenders had some paint torn off with the tape:

So after another night I removed the rest of the tape and observed what I had done. The result looks fun in a way, the effect is intriguing. It's just a shame that the left fender had a large-ish area of paint torn off and I have no clue how I managed to fail so badly with the tape. Especially as that's the only place where it took 2+ layers of paint with it...

Despite a tiny setback like this my approach worked surprisingly well. Maybe I should reconsider those colours, because it looks more like a bamboo-forest than something that'd work in a central Europe. But then again, maybe it'd work even in that forest behind this building... I'll have to try to weather it a bit as well so maybe that'll tone it down a bit.

The real end result will be seen when the whole set is finally assembled instead of being spread around different tables. But that'll take a couple more days. Or a couple dozen. We'll see.

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