

Fixing and painting details


The last time I nailed the camo pattern, so now I proceeded to do some touching up. A couple of funnily painted areas on the wings I fixed with a dab of green (VMA 096 Panzer Olive Green), some darker patches on the airframe I touched up with the other green (VMA 71124 USAF Green) and that was it. Next I painted the fronts of the engines grey (VMA 71123 USAF Dark Grey), because it felt like the prettiest choice.


All the landing gear bays, their doors and the landing gear themselves I painted white (VMA 71001 White), as the instructions told me to do. While I remembered, I also painted the pilot's ladder's container and the inside of its door as well. At this point I didn't dabble with any door art and I don't know if I ever will. Maybe I should, but we'll see later, much later.

While I was working on the ladder, I painted the topmost part and all the steps yellow (VMA 71002 Medium Yellow) and all of the telescope-parts metallic (VMC 70865 Oily Steel). Embracing the KISS approach I used that same metallic paint on rear parts of the engines and some tubes in the landing gear, maybe even properly.


Right now I felt that the main job was done. I then washed the plane green (VMW 76512 Dark Green for green vehicles) and I felt that this was a good choice. For a change I had not forgotten the wingtip lights and painted them after the wash had dried, as I had planned. One of the lights was, as is customary, red (VMA 71085 Ferrari Red) and the other was surprisingly blue (VMA 71111 UK Mediterranean Blue), not green.

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