

Launcher's crew assembly

Launcher crew

One out of five guys was already done, the other four were pretty quickly assembled. On each I spent most of the time playing with the arm positions and angles. I didn't have the crates here to help me out. And like I said the last time, painting living things was going to be a pain anyway, so I decided to just build them all up and suffer the consequences with the arms and whatnots when painting. For a change I managed not to borrow problems from the future me :D

Mr D

I chopped off the next set of pieces from the spre, cleaned them up and glued together. The set D gave us a guy who was adjusting something on the launcher frame, maybe he was very careful with screw tightening here.

Mr E

I had the crew leader done the last time, I just wanted to snap a photo from a front angle. Those gaps needed something done on them before any painting was to be done. Of course that sort of activity carried a considerable risk of messmaking.

Mr C

Mid-sprue guy was the part of the pair with the top part responsibility. He either enjoyed his work, or grimaced in pain and/or effort.

Mr B

This guy holding the lower end of the crate didn't seem to be suffering too much, so maybe he had the easier task.

Mr A

Sytytin -> fuze

Last out of the sprue was the chap working closely on something. My assumption was that he was the ammo guy n+1 who was responsible for setting the fuze, and was working on exactly that. Except that the rockets had their fuzes on already, maybe he had the next barrage's first rocket in progress.

The gang's together

Heh, we had a sort of a copy of the cover art already. Only the colours were missing. And the rocket crates, and I had a word about them after the photo.

The photoetch circus

I had actually started this session with the PE as I thought it'd give me a better clue on how much work it was going to be. For one reason or another it didn't start out well, so I switched to the plastics instead. Had I force-pushed forward, I knew I was going to be annoyed and that was never productive. Instead, I left them and my thoughts to stew at least overnight.

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