

Final subcomponents

Head, shoulders, ...

Now that Laserbeak was completed, what was left was the last few steps of the instructions, covering about six pieces worth of activity. Soundwave's head utilized four of them. An Optimus Prime -like mouthpiece and a sunshade piece were installed on the faceplate itself.

Speaking of Optimus Prime, this head looked pretty much 1:1 like his or maybe my memory has been badly corrupted. I would have to check someday.

After installing those two pieces the bucket was twisted more or less into a U-shape and the top/back of the head was shaped into something like a fishhook and then used to lock the head in shape. This operation was loads easier and quicker than what I had thought and what it most likely sounds like.

Laser Cannon, the

The AA-batterylike laser cannon had to be rolled into a cylinder, but so that the rectangular attachment point was still attachable into its own counterpart. The shape went, predictably, only partially like supposed to, but at least it stayed intact. This thingamagick was then to be installed onto Soundwave's right shoulderblade and the backplate into his back. Only the lower right attachment point needed any force, otherwise it was all quick and swearless.

So he was finished as well. Next time I'd share the wrapping up pics and maybe causing some Kif Kroker -imitations here and there.

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