


Oil leaks on my shuttle

It was the time when I could start thinking of using something from my less-than-often-enough used arsenal of weathering products. Perhaps my shuttle was being serviced or in dire need of a knowing touch of a mechanic. No matter what the case was, the landing gears had developed some not insignificant oil leaks (VWE / Engine / 73813 Oil Stains). One had a long streak of oil running down the length of it, the other one had a good pool of oil forming on the footpad. The pics didn't show, nor would it be noticeable from the normal angle of viewing, but I also applied some oil stains to the bottom of the cockpit module, where I had added some random cables.

For a fleeting moment I had thought of using some VWE / Environment series grassy muck or something but I chose not to. Maybe if I had the space to house an outdoorsy base for this I could've done that, but for a model of this size I just couldn't go for it.

Air filter or radiator or something

On the original version of the shuttle had a very strongly painted grille on the top of it. This time I decided that the thing didn't really need a heavy darkening anymore, a quick dark wash was going to be just fine. That also worked with my idea of having the armoured plates of the shuttle to be white, some things were just going to have seen more life than some others.

The photo above was taken while the wash (VMW 76516 Grey wash) was still wet.


The local late autumn weather had taken its toll on me, so the shuttle was made to suffer from some the approaching polar night (nah, we don't get that properly here on these latitudes, I just love to complain). I applied some rain streaks here and there, starting from the edge of the cockpit's viewport and continued to the wings. Didn't go too heavily with them, because I didn't want to make me shuttle look derelict, either. Maybe it was under a badly built, leaky temp shelter, while waiting for maintenance?

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