

A drab world of olives

First splashes of colour

Getting to one of the painting stages I was pretty eager to see how the atom cannon behaved when it looked more like its real self instead of an untextured 3d model. The paint I used was Olive Drab (VMA 71016) as instructed, even though any of the german camo greens would've also worked just fine. On my first painting session the time was, as always, somewhat limited, so I tried to get a decent enough coverage that showed if the whole thing made any sense. While I had to hold on to something, there were noticeable unpainted patches on both ends of the carriage.

Osittain oliivinvihreäksi maalattu lavetti ja putki

Second round

On my next painting session I covered up what I had skipped the previous evening and fixed the shadows left by the first painting round. Slowly the cannon started looking like a proper thing in the universe, even though painting the whole damn thing in one boring colour felt just like that: awfully boring.

The carriage

The biggest problems of the carriage's painting were more or less hidden, inside the frame itself. With some good luck no one, including the unforgiving eye of the camera, would ever notice anything, but the risk existed. A few details were still waiting to be painted, but those I didn't even dream of airbrushing at this point anymore.

Oliivinvihreäksi maalattu lavetti

Maybe a bit of weathering would make this a bit more interesting. Also the assembly of the cannon would bring some more excitement to the build.

Oliivinvihreäksi maalattu lavetti

Carriage's bottom

Barrels of fun

I took (I thought) a great deal of care of painting the cannon's barrel, its cradle and their neighbours, while leaving the middle part of the barrel untouched, for it was going to be painted with a steel-type paint. For a while I was unable to make me mind if I should or should not disassemble the rear part of the gun and paint it in pieces (and multiple sessions). Being a lazy character I didn't do that, but maybe undo some parts for the next cycle.

Oliivinvihreäksi maalattu putki kehtoineen ja peräkappaleineen

Oliivinvihreäksi maalattu putki kehtoineen ja peräkappaleineen

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