

Finished: Project III/24

Mongrel, later Grendel A

This 45 ton Medium OmniMech originated from the Clan Diamond Shark, then later with trade and Trials spread effectively to the other Clans as well under its new name. This individual represented the alternative configuration A where armoured doors on the shoulders hid LRM-15 launchers, both with two tons of missiles, and a Medium Pulse Laser and an Extended Range Small Laser in the Right Arm. The Left Arm was just an arm with the hand, good enough to punch others or for picking up tree trunks as clubs. For example.


A few photos of the completed mini:

As I showed a couple of quick comparison photos of this Grendel with the other two Points in its Star, I took a couple of supposedly better photos:

To wrap the photos up, my two Mongrel/Grendel variants Prime and A side by side for comparison:

Phew, the amount of energy weapon lenses I now had to repaint to achieve some sort of a unified approach to life.

Time usage

This mini didn't take more than a couple of silly hours. About twenty minutes to remove the Prime variant's weapons and some sort of cleanup. When adding on the new weapons, most of the time went in making the armour plates for the LRM launchers small enough. The conversion took something like half an hour all in all.

Painting was pretty quick, the black primer was on in minutes, just like the overbrushed cold grey and the lighter grey shape-breakers. Most time got spent on the various markings because I was so awfully bad at it. With the jewelings, oil washings and cleanups this took maybe three quarters of an hour.

My base was done in five minutes so that was almost a rounding error. Then whatever doublecheckings and such took a bit more, but the total didn't exceed two hours. Of course all the pondering, checking, rummaging in the bits box and all the not-visible tasks took their own time but not sillily much. I was going to claim this was all done in ~3h.

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