

Insignia for the default Star Mechs

Tiny details

I was going to approach the various insignia like I did earlier, years ago. The markings would be simple and ok enough from a distance, not so much at a closer inspection.

A note about the photos in this post: they'd be cropped much tighter, as I got bored with all the photos in this project being taken from always the same exact angles and distances. Looking at things so very close was maybe going to ruin some of the look and feel, as in real world these'd be ogled at from a greater distance.

White planets

Both the Cluster and its parent Galaxy insignia were based on whiteish circles, and something overlaid. For that purpose I painted white roundish spots into each leg of each of the 'Mechs. These were done freehand, so at this scale and size maybe blobs or lumps were more accurate descriptions.

Shadowing the Cluster insignia

The description for the 3rd Falcon Talon Cluster's insignia contained "shadowed white world"  so I thought I'd attempt to blend a bit of light grey onto the white blobs. That didn't work, my whites had gotten too dry for blending.


Galaxy Falcons and Cluster claymores

Over the Galaxy spheres I painted a jade green something that was supposed to look like a Falcon in air. The Cluster spheres I impaled with jade green swords. Truth be told, there was no way I could make a difference between a claymore, rapier or a gladius in any art form. So, whatever I did I called a claymore. This was then repeated five times, again the result looked better from a greater distance, as opposed to from 5mm away.

Clan base

To create the Clan insignia I was to make a thing that reminded me of a belt buckle. I've had the habit of painting those with light grey (the same I've used for drybrushing the greys of the camouflage). These ended up looking better on those OmniMechs that had a larger surface area available for painting, such as the Timber Wolf, Executioner and Adder, and worse on the chests of Nova and Grendel. I had chosen my limitations myself by highlighting the things I highlighted.

Falcon shapes and swords

Obviously the most important part of the Clan roundels were the Jade Falcons with the Katana-like swords clutched in their talons. The birds have always been more or less the same V-shaped things or 90° rotated curly braces. The steely blades and black handles ended up being a bit too large, I thought, but maybe they'd stand out decently being slightly oversized.


Talons and beaks

Funnily enough the yellow-orange talons and beaks for the falcons I left for later, until the paintjob was dry. Then I simply forgot them, until I finally did them at a randomly chosen moment.

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